Open Source Community Participation
Greenfinity believes strongly in Open Source software. That's why you'll often find us contributing to many Open Source projects. Our participation in many community activities means that Greenfinity customers benefit directly from his in depth technical knowledge.
Open Source is not just a kind of technology. It's a philosophy on how we approach software and knowledge sharing. Open Source projects are based on cooperation among the community. Greenfinity believes that these principles are worth sharing. That's why we use Open Source and that's why we believe in giving back to the communities of technologies we use.
Some of our volunteer efforts include:
- KSS (Kinetic Stylesheets)
- Plone
- Pyramid and Substance D
- Buster.js
Greenfinity was the proud host of the 2009 World Plone Conference. Greenfinity hosted over 425 attendees from across the world for one week in Budapest. The Open Society Foundation partnered with Greenfinity, allowing us to offer grants to participants, giving more people a chance to attend a Plone Conference.